
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Guild Wars 2 - Metrica Province Dailys Guide

If you just want to log on and do your dailys as fast as possible, Metrica Province is the place to go.

Healer (X / 10 Allies Revived):
The reactor in the top left corner of the map contains a lot of dead NPCs. Closest waypoint is Survivor's Encampment Waypoint.

Kill Variety (X / 13 Types of Enemies)
The same reactor also contains a lot of different mobs, ripped from their home by the unstable magic of the reactor. If you don't get to complete the daily variety kills here, you should be well on your way.

Events (X / 5 Events):
Events are pretty much everywhere on the map and fairly easy to find. Just outside the reactor, in the area between the Muridian Waypoint and Arterium Haven Waypoint, there are three events, some of them with veterans.

Veterans (X / 5 Veterans Defeated)
When you do dailys they often involve killing veterans. Sometimes, inside the reactor, events pop up where you have to kill one. Then you get to kill two birds with one stone.

Aquatic Kills (X / 25 Underwater Kills):
There are several places with water in Metrica, most of them contains critters you can one shot. In the water at the Old Golem Factory Waypoint there are a bunch of Salmon and Crabs and easy to kill yellow mobs.

Crafting (X / 10 Items Crafted):
At the Desider Atum Waypoint you have crafting stations where you can complete the daily crafter and also, as we all know by now, get access to the bank if needed.

Daily Kills (X / 50 Kills)
This you obviously don't need to stay in Metrica to complete but when you have done the events etc you should be more or less done.

Gatherer (X / 20 Gatherings) & Dodger (X / 15 Attacks Dodged):
Like the Daily Kills you don't need to do those in Metrica, especially if you have a higher level character and like to run Orr for better tier mats. Same with dodger, that you should be able complete while doing the other combat related dailys.

Daily Laurel Vendor (X / 1 Laurel Vendors Visited)
Go visit a Laurel Vendor, there is one in each city. Job done.

Guide by:  TheUnum

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Guild Wars 2 - Comprehensive Warrior Condition Damage Guide

Monday, February 18, 2013

Guild Wars 2 - Karma Farming Guide

Considering Legendary weapons require over 500,000 Karma in total or Tier 3 weapons around 50,000 it can appear a daunting task. Thankfully it’s relatively easy to earn thousands in a very short space of time with a few simple steps.

Karma Items
Karma Items, also known as Liquid Karma are consumable items. Once consumed, they provided an instant boost to your Karma dependant on the item type. Below is a list of the Liquid Karma you can obtain and the amount of Karma they provide.

NameKarma ReceivedSource
Drop of Liquid Karma+400Obtained from Bag of Wonderous Goods in dungeons and Lost Orrian Jewellery Box
Taste of Liquid Karma+1,700Obtained from Lost Orrian Jewellery Box
Vial of Liquid Karma+2,500Obtained from Lost Orrian Jewellery Box
Swig of Liquid Karma+3,000Obtained from Lost Orrian Jewellery Box
Gulp of Liquid Karma+3,500Obtained from Winter Wonderland Jumping Puzzle during Wintersday 2012
Flask of Liquid Karma+4,000Obtained from Winter Wonderland Jumping Puzzle during Wintersday 2012
Jug of Liquid Karma+4,500Obtained from completing your 'Daily'. Ten are obtained from completing your 'Monthly' and by completing the winter Wonderland Jumping Puzzle during Wintersday 2012
Refugee Child's Drawing+5,000Received after maximizing Refugee Volunteer in Living Story achievement category

The only Karma Items you should care about, when farming Karma, are the following: Drop of Liquid Karma and Jug of Liquid Karma.

Karma Modifiers
Karma Modifiers are an item that adjust the amount of Karma you receive from events or Karma items. If you’re to truly maximise your Karma gain, you will need several of them running at once.

Karma Booster
The main item for all Karma farming is the booster. Providing 50% extra Karma for 1 hour, it’s incredibly useful. Unfortunately it is only available from the Gem Store or randomly from Black Lion Chests. Luckily they cost as little as 75 Gems, so you won’t have to convert too much money to obtain them. The shrewdest use of Karma Boosters is save all your items which provide you with Karma (Liquid Karma) use the Booster and then consume the items.

Politics Tier 1 Upgrade
A guild upgrade, purchased by spending your Guilds influence (50) When used, the Banner will appear in front of you as an interactable object and lasts for one hour. It provides 5% extra Karma gain.

Economy Tier 4 Upgrade
Another guild upgrade, purchased by spending your Guilds influence (500). When used, the upgrade provides 15% extra Karma for 24 hours.

Ice Cream
This is the only consumable food that provides 5% extra Karma for 30 minutes. All of the Ice Cream foods provide the 5% bonus, so you should always purchase the cheapest from the Trading Post. You can find all the Ice Creams here.

Karmic Infusion
An extravagance many people will never reach is an Ascended backpiece with Karmic Infusion. Purchased for 10 Laurels, the Infusion provides 15% extra Karma permanently. If you can afford it, it’s well worth having.

When farming Karma, you should aim to have active: Karma Booster (+50%), Politics Tier 1 (+5%), Economy Tier 4 (+15%) and Ice Cream (+5%) for a total of 75% extra Karma gain. This would result in 1 Jug of Liquid Karma providing 7,875 Karma and your monthly (10 Jug’s of Liquid Karma) providing 78,750.

It should be noted that the World versus World "Out manned" buff allegedly provides a 33% Karma boost, though it is thought to still be bugged.

Karma Farming
Now that you have your Karma Modifiers activated, it’s time to begin farming. Unfortunately, this isn’t necessarily a pain free exercise and realistically, there are only three options.

Choosing a dungeon that is quick and easy is a good way to maximise Karma. Each "mini" boss in a dungeon will provide a Bag of Wondrous Goods which contains a Drop of Liquid Karma (+400) with a total of 3 Drop’s per dungeons path. In addition, on completion of each dungeon path and if you’re level 80, you’ll receive 1,800 additional Karma. This yields a potential total of 3,900 Karma per path. I sincerely recommend, if you want to farm Karma using dungeons, that you choose Ascalon Catacombs. Not only is it incredibly quick (as little as 15 minutes per path with the right group) but will also earn you a little bit of money on the side.

World versus World
Some people swear by World versus World as a means of earning Karma, and while it can yield Karma in big numbers, especially when you take Keeps and Outposts, in reality it’s incredibly in efficient. There is a lot of downtime, travel and failure in WvW meaning you’ll use a large amount of Karma Modifiers, gaining little in return for your time. If I’m sick of running dungeons or Cursed Shore events, it never hurts to mix it up just don’t rely on WvW to get you hundreds of thousands of Karma in a hurry.

Cursed Shore
As the western shore of Orr, Cursed Shore is a bustling hive of player activity and provides ripe opportunities for farming Karma. Habitually, players will link in map chat Waypoints where events are taking place. All you then need to do is go and take part. It can cost you a little bit of money Waypointing up and down the coastline (1s per time) but you should break even.

The joy of farming events here is the fact that you don’t need to remain in the event to gain the Karma reward. It’s incredibly easy to arrive in an event, tag the enemy or monsters and leave when the event is 75% complete. When you do this, 99% of the time you’ll receive a gold contribution award and the full Karma amount. Repeating this cycling of tagging to 75% and moving on to another allows you to stack multiple Karma gain events very quickly.

My personal record was "tagging" six simultaneously; to then watch 4,000 Karma arrive in around 10 minutes. The benefit of farming in Cursed Shores is that it also allows for easy completion of your daily quest and monthly. What I would also recommend here is that you "guest" onto a very high population server. This ensures events trigger regularly while giving you enough support to guarantee the events are successful.

While the act of "tagging" sounds particularly selfish (it is), Karma farming is all about being efficient and maximising your modifiers; staying to help others to completion simply isn’t an viable option.


  • Utilise all available Karma Modifiers. Not doing so will protract the process significantly.
  • Complete your ‘dailies’ and ‘monthlies’. Dailies provide a single Jug of Liquid Karma and the monthly provides 10, this is invaluable for boosting your total gain.
  • Only consume your Liquid Karma when you have all your modifiers active. As tempting as it might be to drink them down, it’s worth waiting.
  • Decide which Karma farming method works best for you: Dungeons or Events in Cursed Shore. Both of these approaches can yield large amounts of Karma and are quicker than WvW.
  • For Cursed Shore Event farming, ensure you have swiftness and use Map chat to coordinate where events are.
  • When Event farming, be sure to only tag events and leave at 75% completion, so you can move on to another.
  • Have patience. Amassing Karma in the hundreds of thousands takes time, but obtaining over 10,000+ Karma per hour is more than possible.

Guardian Build + Techniques | Boons For Days - Tank / Support PVE Build

Friday, February 8, 2013

Guild Wars 2 - Mesmser Support Guide

Mesmer Support Guide by: Hiname

Hello and good day or evening.
Today I want to share with you with you my personal way of playing my mesmer.
People have two oppinions of the mesmer... They are either "zomfg OP!" in every PvP enviroment, or Time Warp bots in dungeons. Well, for the later category, you might be the people who have the most of a blast with this build I want to present today.
I don't know if it is new, I don't know if it is inovative in any form whatsoever, but I want to share my little piece of joy with you.
I call it, Boon-Booze... yeah yeah, I know, name pending.
So, what is this about?
Firstly, details of gearing.
You will need: Carrion equipment. Conditions will be something of a sideeffect of what you will do.
2 Superior Runes of Water - +25 Healing, +15% Boon Duration
2 Superior Runes of the Monk - +25 healing, + 15% Boon Duration
"MAJOR" Runes of the Sanctuary - +15 Vitality, + 10% Boon Duration
2 Superior Sigils of Battle - Gain 3 Might when switching to this weapon in combat.
1 Superior Sigil of Corruption - Gain condition damage upon slaying an enemy.
A scepter.
A staff.
A focus.
Everything together? Brilliant, then let us have a closer look at the traits.

10 Domination
VI: Signet Mastery - Signets recharge 20% faster.
You will need your one signet a lot. This one will be your best friend.
Chaos 30
V: Debilitating Dissipation - Clones apply a random condition when they are killed.
Your clones will die, fast and ahrd and not always reach their target, they might just as well make some use for them.
X: Chaotic Dampening - +50 toughness while holding a staff, 20% reduced staff cooldown.
Your staff skills will be your bread and butter. Hands down.
XI: Bountiful Interruption - Gain a random boon when interrupting an enemy.
For that sweet little twist later.
Illusions 30
V: Master of Misdirection - Confusion you inflict lasts 33% longer.
Conditions, hooo!
VII: Illusionary Elasticity - Bouncing attacks gain an additional bounce.
For your bounding staff goodyness.
VIII: Dazzling Glamours - Glamour-Skills blind enemies in their radius.
Because Feedback, Null-Field and all the others are cool.

Now, where does all this take us?
With your runes, your traits and an active Signet of Midnight, you stand at 80% Boon Duration. Now pop a Omnomberry Chocolate Cream and you have +100% Boon duration!

Now, after combat against a group of enemies has been initated, a good pattern of actions could look like this:
  1. Run up to the enemy, drop Chaos Storm so it does affect you,the enemies and every character in melee range.
  2. Let the random boons stack on you while you summon your Phantasmal Warlock.
  3. Use Phase Retreat to summon up another clone.
  4. Shatter the clones to trigger Shattered Strength.
  5. Swap to your scepter and focus while the clones shatter.
  6. Drop down Temporal Curtain.
  7. Trigger it again to pull enemies towards the rupture.
  8. Gain random boons by, hopefully, interrupting as many of them as possible.
  9. Steal some boons via Arcane Thievery.
  10. Hit your Signet of Inspiration.
  11. Squeel in joy when seeing your array of boons pop up in the entire group, putting your stacks of Might on top of theirs.
You might not be a tremendous DPS-Beast, but with this, you should be able to easily uphold ~10 Might in the group and let the rest of your companions show the enemies who is boss around the dungeon.
Me, as a person who has a genuine blast from playing support-heavy characters in my games and MMO's specifically, I can say, that this build is likely the best thing that could have ever happened to me.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Guild Wars 2 Guide: 1-400 Jewelcrafting Guide

Tier 0-75:

20 Amber Pebble (19 per)
13 Copper Filigree (27 per)
136 Copper Ore (16 per)
34 Copper Setting (30 per)
27 Malachite Pebble (20 per)

Cost: 4467 ( Rolling Total: 4467)

Level: 0

Make: 68 Copper Ingot
Make: 34 Copper Hook
Discover: Amber Copper Stud-Fine 

 Copper Setting (1)
 Copper Hook (1)
 Amber Pebble (1)

Make: 6 Amber Copper Stud-Fine

Level: 25

Discover: Malachite Copper Stud-Fine 

 Copper Setting (1)
 Malachite Pebble (1)
 Copper Hook (1)

Make: 26 Malachite Copper Stud-Fine

Level: 50

Discover: Adorned Amber Jewel 

 Copper Filigree (1)
 Amber Pebble (1)

Make: 12 Adorned Amber Jewel

Tier 75-150:

184 Silver Ore ( 7 per)
12 Spinel Nugget (41 per)
5 Sunstone Nugget (42 per)

Cost: 1990 ( Rolling Total: 6457)

Level: 75

Make: 92 Silver Ingot
Make: 17 Silver Hook
Make: 17 Silver Setting
Discover: Sunstone Silver Earring-Fine 

 Sunstone Nugget (1)
 Silver Setting (1)
 Silver Hook (1)

Make: 4 Sunstone Silver Earring-Fine


Make: 12 Silver Filigree
Discover: Intricate Spinel Jewel 

 Spinel Nugget (1)
 Silver Filigree (1)

Make: 11 Intricate Spinel Jewel


Make: 5 Sunstone Lump
Discover: Spinel Silver Earring-Master 

 Intricate Spinel Jewel (1)
 Silver Setting (1)
 Silver Hook (1)

Make: 11 Spinel Silver Earring-Master

Tier 150-225:

196 Gold Ore (40 per)
5 Pile of Shimmering Dust (11 per)
13 Spinel Lump (47 per)
10 Sunstone Nugget (42 per)

Cost: 8926 ( Rolling Total: 15383)


Make: 98 Gold Ingot
Make: 18 Gold Hook
Make: 18 Gold Setting
Discover: Sunstone Gold Earring-Fine 

 Sunstone Lump (1)
 Gold Hook (1)
 Gold Setting (1)

Make: 4 Sunstone Gold Earring-Fine


Make: 13 Gold Filigree
Discover: Gilded Spinel Jewel 

 Gold Filigree (1)
 Spinel Lump (1)

Make: 12 Gilded Spinel Jewel


Discover: Spinel Gold Earring-Master 

 Gilded Spinel Jewel (1)
 Gold Hook (1)
 Gold Setting (1)

Make: 12 Spinel Gold Earring-Master

Tier 225-300:

18 Chrysocola Shard (54 per)
196 Platinum Ore ( 9 per)

Cost: 2736 ( Rolling Total: 18119)


Make: 98 Platinum Ingot
Make: 18 Platinum Hook
Make: 18 Platinum Setting
Discover: Chrysocola Platinum Earring-Fine 

 Platinum Hook (1)
 Platinum Setting (1)
 Chrysocola Shard (1)

Make: 4 Chrysocola Platinum Earring-Fine


Make: 13 Platinum Filigree
Discover: Ornate Chrysocola Jewel 

 Platinum Filigree (1)
 Chrysocola Shard (1)

Make: 12 Ornate Chrysocola Jewel


Discover: Chrysocola Platinum Earring-Master

 Platinum Hook (1)
 Platinum Setting (1)
 Ornate Chrysocola Jewel (1)

Make: 12 Chrysocola Platinum Earring-Master

Tier 300-400:

3 Chrysocola Crystal ( 111 per)
24 Embellished Brilliant Chrysocola Jewel (14 4 per)
13 Mithril Filigree ( 1 5 per)
218 Mithril Ore (40 per)
13 Opal Crystal ( 111 per)

Cost: 45557 ( Rolling Total: 63676)


Make:109 Mithril Ingot
Make: 1 Mithril Band
Make: 6 Mithril Chain
Make: 17 Mithril Hook
Make: 24 Mithril Setting
Discover: Chrysocola Mithril Earring-Fine 

 Mithril Hook (1)
 Mithril Setting (1)
 Chrysocola Crystal (1)

Make: 2 Chrysocola Mithril Earring-Fine


Discover: Brilliant Opal Jewel 

 Mithril Filigree (1)
 Opal Crystal (1)

Make: 12 Brilliant Opal Jewel


Discover: Opal Mithril Earring-Master 

 Mithril Hook (1)
 Mithril Setting (1)
 Brilliant Opal Jewel (1)

Make: 12 Opal Mithril Earring-Master


Discover: Chrysocola Mithril Amulet-Rare 

 Embellished Brilliant Chrysocola Jewel (3)
 Mithril Setting (1)
 Mithril Chain (1)

Discover: Chrysocola Mithril Earring-Rare 

 Mithril Hook (1)
 Embellished Brilliant Chrysocola Jewel (3)
 Mithril Setting (1)

Discover: Chrysocola Mithril Ring-Rare 

 Mithril Band (1)
 Embellished Brilliant Chrysocola Jewel (3)
 Mithril Setting (1)

Make: 5 Chrysocola Mithril Amulet-Rare